The Whirl mobile app is the brains inside your Wheelman autosteering system. Powered by Whirl, Wheelman farmers can save up to $15 per acre through reduced input, reduced labor, and maintenance costs. Reduced driver fatigue is another great bonus! An Internet connection is only needed for the first login. After that, no Internet connection is required to operate your autosteering system.
We continue to add new Wheelman features. For a better experience, we recommend that you occasionally connect Whirl to the Internet, so you can stay up to date and enjoy the latest and greatest functionality.
You will need Whirl to setup and update your Wheelman autosteering system. Before you install Wheelman in your vehicle, be sure to download Whirl on your smartphone or tablet, create an account, and sign-in.
Once your vehicle setup and calibration are complete, you can continue to use Whirl or just the Wheelman built-in dashboard to autosteer your tractor.
When setting up Wheelman on your tractor, the Whirl mobile app will guide you to:
- Enter the measurements of your equipment and how you installed Wheelman
- Calibrate your Wheelman to ensure that it steers your equipment precisely
- Add new implements and store them for future use
- Set various autosteering parameters such as wayline snap and nudge, autosteering mode, and others.
Whirl and Wheelman have many features, which we continue to expand:
- Terrain compensation
- Create straight lines (AB), contour or pivot paths, and heading direction lines (A+ heading)
- Pause tasks, which you can resume later and complete.
- Duplicate tasks
- Upload detailed logs if online or phone support is needed
- Customize your autosteering performance with Backlash, Sensitivity, and Angle of Attack
- User friendly calibration
- Map view showing coverage
- Implement setup
- Cross track distance
- Wireless software upgrades for your Wheelman system
- Implement offset
- Snap, Nudge, and more!
If you have any questions, please reach us at
or call us at 1-877-WHEELMAN.